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Painting & Drawing

Location Designs 2012:

These designs can be printed or painted onto any surface you desire.

Three featured are (from left): Ireland, Australia/ New Zealand, and Philadelphia.

You're Not In Wonderland, Alice 2008​

Watercolor on Illustration board 18X24  An adaptation of Disney's Alice in Wonderland rethought as a building or house.

12/12/12, 2012

Rendition of The Rolling Stone's album Exile on Main Street.

This piece was done for a Sexton Sideshow event called 12/12/12: Exile on Water St. Which featured a Rolling Stones cover band. This piece was made to be auctioned off for fundraising proceeds . It is acrylic paint on a pre-cut wood block. The painting shows artist rendition of images on the album cover as well as a lyric from every song on the album. 

Approx. 9X12

A Tribute to Louis Kahn 2008

Various buildings designed by architect Louis Kahn are compiled together into this composition that also includes a silhouette of the Philadelphia architect. This piece is acrylic paint on canvas 81/2 X11

Pencil, Charcoal & Pastels

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